New Morning Bootcamp Starting Soon!!!!

We are very pleased to Announce that

A mid week morning Bootcamp will be starting soon!!!

Monday to Friday From 10.00am to 11.00am



Grading Students

We wish to congratulate the students of our Carlow Krav Maga class on passing their green and orange belt exams on Saturday the 22/03/2014.

Everyone put in a huge amount of work and well done to you all on getting you new belts.

Beginners Boot Camp - No More Excuses

I am delighted to announce that I will be starting a Paulies Bootcamp for BEGENNERS.

I know it can be tough to get back into shape and sometimes when you join an existing bootcamp class the pace can seem a little intense.  So this will be a low-medium intensity workout to suit EVERYONE who would like to either kick-start their fitness or maybe try something a bit different.. THIS IS A LOW-MEDIUM INTENSITY workout that WILL get you motivated and energised…

It will include a Food plan and 24/7 support will be included..

The new class starts Wednesday 2nd April in Carlow Town hurling club

Class will be from 6pm-7pm Wednesday & Friday €50 for 6 weeks..Places will be limited and you can book by emailing  or phone 0868041820

Thinking of doing Martial Arts in Carlow

Why Krav Maga

People decide to do martial arts for many reasons.  Sometimes it’s to get back into shape (and I can promise you that will happen if you join our Carlow Krav Maga Class), sometimes it’s just to become part of a club but in a lot of cases it’s because you are looking for some practical self defence skills.

If your are new to martial arts you will be faced with a choice of several different styles and systems and it can be a bit confusing to decide which is the best one or which one would suit you the most.

Now I’m not going to try to say any one style of martial arts is better than other but what sets Krav Maga apart from many other martial arts is we focus almost solely on practical self defence skills that are effective in real life situations and we will start teaching you these skills in your very first class.

Of course it takes time and practice for any new student to become proficient at Krav Maga but even within a short space of time you will learn skills that you can apply if you are unlucky enough to get into a tricky situation.

If you are considering joining a martial arts school in Carlow  I would suggest you come down to one of our classes just to see what we do and ideally you should take part to get a real experience of Krav Maga.

You’ll find all our training times here 

New Carlow Boot Camp

We are delighted to announce that our new boot camp block is about to launch commencing Tuesday the 18th of February 2014 for a period of six weeks.  Places are limited so it’s important to book early to avoid disappointment.

Paulie’s boot camp has seen been a tremendous success with most participants seeing excellent results in weight loss and overall physical fitness.   One individual has reported a loss of over 19 lbs in less than six weeks and two other individuals have lost over 16 lbs.

Remember the hardest part is to get started, so don’t think about – just take part.  For more details call Paul on 086 8041820 or you can contact me via my Facebook page 

More Class Times Available for our Carlow Boot Camp

If you have a busy work schedule it can be hard to make the time for training (and it can be hard to get motivated).  So we are delighted to announce that from 2014 we are running more boot camp classes than ever meaning there is bound to be a day and time that you can fit into that busy schedule.

Once you get started with Paulie’s Boot Camp you will soon find your fitness levels start to improve and working with a group helps to keep you motivated.

So check out our training time table here and hopefully we’ll see you at one of our classes soon.